On Line LLC's Legit? How Long Is The Process?

My contract has been accepted. Closes in 60 days. How can I close this under a LLC I havent created yet? Can I take form off internet and take downtown to file?
I DO NOT want my personal name/information re purchase acessible via the internet.


  • PassingThru24th April, 2004

    Have your settlement company prepare all the documents and create it at the time of settlement to be included with the purchase of the property and titled in the LLC at the same time.


  • dbullock24th April, 2004

    Would the loan be in his name or the LLC's?

    Must the contract alreayd be assignable in order to put it into an LLC?


  • jam20024th April, 2004

    I just created a LLC here in Ga to put a house I'm building in. It took 'bout 3 weeks to get it all back. Here, I could go to state gov't office, and see if the name I'd chosen was taken, and then use it on my contract, even tho the proces wasn't complete. You can call the IRS and get an EIN, even if your LLC's not finished yet, but be careful that the name you've chosen't not taken, 'cause if it is, and you get and EIN with that name, then can't USE than name, it can get a bit tricky there. I used http://www.smallbizincorporator.com just went thru their forms. Get your seal, the whole nine yards from there.

  • jeff1200224th April, 2004

    There will be a problem if there is new financing involved. The new finance company will want to see the title in the name of the person that has the loan. After you close, you may be able to transfer the property to the LLC, but I doubt that you'll be allowed to take title directly in the name of the LLC.

  • norrist24th April, 2004

    Try www.thecompanycorporation.com

  • ape4u227th April, 2004

    I formed my LLC online via the Texas Secratary of State Office. Once I filled out all the forms online and submitted payment via credit card I had my LLC paperwork back within hours not weeks!

  • Goose_man27th April, 2004

    In Washington I went down the gov office and filled out 2 forms and paid 270 bucks and WHAM I have my business up and running.

    Next step, call the IRS and get my EIN and BAM I’m official total time...3 hours (including travel)

    You might have to do some reading on what your state requires though.

  • InActive_Account27th April, 2004

    I had my attorney to do the LLC

  • JohnMerchant27th April, 2004

    Don't know what you did down at "Gov. office", but new LLC in WA, same day service, cost me just $190 last month. Over the counter @ Sec of State's office in Oly..

    Have the rates gone up that much in a month or did you get something besides plain vanilla LLC? Or were you just tipping the personnel wink

    Many states now allow online incorporating, paid by Visa or MC, and it's very simple.

    Although lots of services are available for various costs, really people a new LLC is so simple there's just no reason to spill big bucks getting help on this. Heck, any 12 year old could do it.

    John Merchant.

    On 2004-04-27 18:47, Goose_man wrote:
    In Washington I went down the gov office and filled out 2 forms and paid 270 bucks and WHAM I have my business up and running.

    Next step, call the IRS and get my EIN and BAM I’m official total time...3 hours (including travel)

    You might have to do some reading on what your state requires though.

  • myfrogger27th April, 2004

    Most banks will tell you that they don't want the loan in an LLC. Tell the title company, attorney, or closing officer a week or so (depending on how fast you are trying to close) before closing that you want the deed and mortgage to be in the name of your LLC "for estate planning purposes." They will need a copy of your articles of incorporation or articles of organization (the exact name escapes me now).


  • Goose_man28th April, 2004

    Heh ok maybe it was only 215 with the name reservation and the initial annual report... I couldn’t remember exactly how much I paid off the top of my head...

    My point was it was simple and fast.

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