On Behalf Of This Website...

Moderators, I think bigcape needs a "partner" in the tci jail.. I nominate.... Diatribe!


  • diatribe29th November, 2003

    On what grounds?

    Because I suggested an improvement to the forums?

    If thats the reason why, then you're just silly.

  • jackman29th November, 2003

    come on zach. don't nominate the man for a life sentence without parole. in my opinion, he only went about it wrong. diatribe shoulda emailed the moderators themselves - not post to the board (unless in petition fashion, trying to rally up support). let's all shake and be merry.

    diatribe, my treat to drinks on cityline ave!

  • diatribe29th November, 2003

    I think it should be noted that Zach made the same reply to most of the forums I posted to.

    If I should go to "TCI jail" then he should be my cell mate.

    I work on City Line Ave. I'd be wiling to do lunch.

  • Zach29th November, 2003

    Sorry diatribe, I was just having fun. But did you really need to post that so many times? Otherwise, I kind of agree with you.. I'll buy the first round! Z

  • diatribe29th November, 2003


    No harm done.

    I only posted it in multiple forums becasuse I don't visit all of them all of the time. Sometimes its hard to find older posts so I thought the most exposure possible would bring the best results.

    Not to be a smartaleck, but isn't that one of the tricks of marketing?

  • Zach29th November, 2003

    I guess so, kinda like a bandit sign! Z

  • WheelerDealer29th November, 2003

    i think diatribe is in jail...his posts are dissapearing

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