Old Assumable First On Potential "SubTo"

Seller is asking for cash to mortgage.

Real Value 140K.
Seller is asking for 90K.
1st mortgage (old assumable for $250) is at 51K.
2nd mortgage of 7.1K.
Total mortgages encumbering property: 58.1K.
Repairs/Marketing/Holding Costs 5K.
Seller needs cash for the difference.
How can I do this deal without investing 36.9K?


[ Edited by JohnCl on Date 04/29/2005 ]


  • jfmlv195020th April, 2005

    Hi Click,

    Currently, John Locke is on the road. I think he might even be having dinner with Joel, the owner of this site right now.

    Just to let you know if you purchase the manual or the course from someone else, other than from here, another authorized site or from the man himself, you don’t get all the benefits of the purchase which includes the support, access to the password protected website and cel phone number mentoring.

    I just read on another site, that a person bought someone’s course that only contained ODD number pages. I wonder if he found the buyer of that same course that contained the EVEN number pages so they could do a deal together?

    So it is well worth knowing where you are getting your products from.

    John (LV)

  • JohnLocke20th April, 2005


    Did not arrive in Greensborugh today, stopped at a River Boat Casino, tried your Video Poker system.

    Send money.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • jfmlv195024th April, 2005

    Hi click,

    I am familiar with Ward Hanigan’s web site and believe his program is primarily for buying and selling pre-foreclosure and foreclosure properties.

    Fortunately, those facing foreclosure are not the only people we market to so we can reach them before they get to that stage, as they are a lot easier to deal with.

    You are correct about that retaliation and the many specific laws your must be aware of when dealing with Californians in foreclosure.

    John (LV)

  • JohnLocke25th April, 2005


    LOL, Exactly what you mean!

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • JohnLocke26th April, 2005


    Glad to meet you.

    You want me to comment, I will, no my program will not work for "you" in California.

    Now you are free to pursue another course and I sincerely hope you find one.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • clickrewind26th April, 2005

    Thanks Locke for your reply, I am sorry to here that the program will not work for "me" so i will take your advice and move back to plan A, exactly the push i was looking for...you lived up to the expectations that i had been told you would. Thanks to everyone else on your comments, they were much appreciated.

  • jfmlv195026th April, 2005


    You have all the information at your fingertips and won’t use it. All you have to do is “click” and read. There are posts everywhere on this site about deals being done using the program, including the course review section.

    In CA you may not do the volume, but you make it up on the individual deal.

    This is not about a potential purchase, it is about you qualifying for a program and NOT everyone qualifies. Attitude and desire are two very important factors. JL has turned down many offers to purchase the course because he did not want that individual as a student for one reason or another.

    John (LV)

  • joeyd29th April, 2005

    that would be my guess . If that is you- way to go K... simple.

  • Simple29th April, 2005

    Yes, it is me. The helping people business is good.

  • InActive_Account30th April, 2005

    On 2005-04-26 08:06, JohnLocke wrote:

    Glad to meet you.

    You want me to comment, I will, no my program will not work for "you" in California.

    Now you are free to pursue another course and I sincerely hope you find one.

    John $Cash$ Locke

    John, is 100% correct. His course will not work for "you" anwhere in the world.

    The courses I am currently using do not "work for me" either.

    The truth of the matter is they are all just "concepts".

    They all work if "YOU WORK THEM".

    Ignorance on Fire is Better than knowlege on Ice.

    You have to take anybodys program and put it into ACTION.

    That is the Truth.

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