Obituaries And Divorces...
In the experiences of investors on this board, what is the best way to approach people who have had a death in the family or are going through a divorce? I don't want to appear as a volture, but I do want to find these deals before they head off to the re agent. Any thoughts or experiences?
Is this topic to touchy to touch? Or nobody has had this experience before? :-? :-? :-?
Just ask them if they are interested in selling, they will either say yes or no or call back in a couple of months.
Or try contacting the bank or trust company if you know who they are that you're talking to another business person, not a survivor.
Once it's in the MLS it'll typically say estate sale or subject to probate. Those can be good leads too.
See if there are any auction house that specialize in this type of properties.