Note Selling Website?

I'm thinking of developing a website that would let private note holders put their notes up for sale to the highest bidder. I'm not a veteran on real estate deals, so I've come here to see if you guys think it might be viable.

Do you guys think there's enough demand, interest, etc.?

Thanks. smile


  • JohnMerchant12th November, 2003

    Well, the idea has worked well enough to support some pretty big websites that do just that.

    Seriously think that niche is taken & it would cost lots of bucks to break in to that market.

  • mysbyu12th November, 2003

    really? what are the websites?

  • SolutionsKid12th November, 2003

    Just start typing in "note buyers" "cash for mortgage notes" "sell mortgage note" and you will find plenty of sites. I used to know a couple but don't anymore but they are out there,

    Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe

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