NON-Smoking Addendum: Is It Enforceable?
After a long vacancy, I have finally found tenants who qualify to rent the property. The problem is that there are two smokers in the family. When we interviewed, they swore that they were quitting and that it would not be a problem.
I realize that I have no right to control what people do in their homes. I do have a right to protect my investment. If I want to lease to these tenants, can I require them to sign an addendum that there will be not be any smoking "INSIDE" the home? If they do sign this addendum and I find evidence that they have broken this, can I evict them as a result?
Where can I go to find out if this is enforceable in my State?
Thanks in advance for your help and advice. I want to rent the place, but I also want to be careful about the tenants that I bring in.
see if there is a state tenant / landlord FAQ.
I think CA is under consumer protection.
edmeyer, I like that weasel clause, Im going to add that to my leases. THX
Just hoping someone has read this and had some knowledge! Thanks again!