NOD Statistics Of Santa Clara County, CA


Anyone knows where I can find the past monthly statistics of NOD and Trustee's Deed for Santa Clara County?

Thanks in advance.


  • whyK-CA19th December, 2004

    Hi edmeyer.

    Thank you very much for your quick reply.

    I checked their web site, but I didn't see. I'll call them up on Monday to see if they have some statistic data available if I go to the office. I didn't want to go from raw data since I wanted to get data for several years, but I might end up doing.

    Happy Holidays.

  • JohnMichael20th December, 2004


    Not sure what type of past monthly statistics you are looking for? But you can simply do self research by pulling up a previous months of foreclosures at the deeds office and run your own statistics or check HUD properties in your market location and check the bid statistics at their web site.

    HUD's link can be found at the TCI Links page at:

    I hope this helps have a great and prosperous day

    The art of research will show you the way!

  • edmeyer20th December, 2004


    When I was receiving the data from San Mateo County it was not send directly from the county. My subscription was with a third party who was gleaning the data.

    If you are only looking for one month's worth of data, JohnMichael's idea will certainly work, however, you will have to wade through all of the records for the month. I am sure that they have some kind of journal that lists all of the recordings on each day. If you need data over multiple months, having a subscription to work from will be much more convenient.

  • whyK-CA20th December, 2004

    Thank you both for your input.

    What I am trying to do with this particular data is to study what kind of relationship the number of NODs and Trustee's Deeds had to local median price in the past. I tried to count them and it is doable, but it takes time. I'll call around to see if someone already have statistics compiled.

    Thanks again.

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