NOD's, Lis Pending, Power To Foreclose Help?
At the recorders office when you see a power for foreclosure document on a property does that mean that the lender has already called the whole entire loan due and set a date for the auction or is there still time to pay the arrears and bring the mortgage current?
How about NOD's? Where is the best places to get this information on a property? The recorders office didn't provide that info.
All tips and feedback will be highly apprieciated thanks so much.
Thank God for tcinvestors(dot)com
You are looking for the assessment office down at the court house. Just tell them your looking for Notice of Default also called Notice of Trustees. You want to record the parcel number and the reference number. Look at the loan amount due and the late payments owed. Then you want to find out the tax estimates this is what you need the parcel number for. When you look up the tax amount the last appraised value will be listed there record that and figure out the equity involved. Then you have to find out if they are a motivated seller. This is as far as I have gotten take care!
thanks I will look into that today. I will let you know what I came up with
God Bless