NOD First

I just found out how to get the NOD in my county first. I have a special access and everybody else has to go directly to the court house. How should I use this advantage to get ahead? Maillings directly and see what happens?


  • medusa0030th August, 2004

    I think direct mail is a great way to handle it, but I have also seen others on this site who advocate knocking on doors. You want to be sensitive to the fact that they are probably anxious about this situation. Let them know that you are not a real estate agent (assuming that you're not), and that you can probably solve their problem in a matter of days rather than weeks.

    Supposing you don't want to knock on doors, a direct mail piece is good too. A handwritten address on the front, a return address with your name or no name as opposed to a business name, and a real stamp as opposed to metered postage will go a long way toward getting your letter read instead of trashed. Look like a person, not a business. Someone said here that they even hand write the letters on a legal pad and then tear the page out and send it to the homeowner that way. Homemade all the way, baby! No corporate takeovers here.

    I may have a letter you could use but I need to check my resources. Send me a PM or respond here and I will get back with you in the next couple of days.

  • InActive_Account30th August, 2004

    Just curious how you're getting the NOD list first? Good luck to you.


  • InActive_Account30th August, 2004

    Just curious how you're getting the NOD list first? Good luck to you.


  • neutral2nd September, 2004

    Letters are good but I prefer postcards. They will look at it and not have to open an envelope. If you want to use letters than its a good idea to use pastel colored envelopes so it will stand out and not be thrown away with the bills they arent paying.

    New Orleans

  • learntherules4th September, 2004

    Handwritten envelope w/return addy (use POB) and an unusual stamp works (collectors item).

    The feedback I rec'v is the same from all...."I rec'v alot of letters, but for some reason I kept yours......"

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