No Lease Tenant

What is the best way to evict a person who is not on lease. I live in chi-town and will be contacting a lawyer tomorrow for advice. Here's the situation. I agreed to a hand shake agreement. to let someone use my garage for storage with the understanding of no more than 30 days .

I normally conduct business in writing. The problem is she stored items in my basement with my permission because my items were taking up half of garage.

I have two bedrooms one bath in basement its very illegal one way out. She asked could she stay for 30 days. Agreed to a storage fee of $200.00. Month 2 charged an additional $100.00.
Month 3 a licenced electrician of hers did some badly needed wiring and waived monies.
Month 4 she submitted $140.00. My sons reside on first floor unit and would like to rotate them in basement and rent out first floor have offered to her on several occasions and told her I needed my space one excuse after another.
Recently we had words and she should have been gone 3 days ago.

Can I just throw her things into the streets, change locks, Put notice of on door that she has 24 hrs. to vacate and owner will not be responsible for personal belonging.

If legal I had plan on changing locks and upon her discovery contacting the police for assistance. Also, I am having the lights cut off.


  • commercialking29th August, 2004

    No, you cannot do any of those things. They are all "constructive eviction" and open you up to severe civil and criminal penalties.

    In Illinois if a tenant comes into possesion of a space legally (i.e. as a result of your agreement) there are only two ways to terminate the tenancy, 1) the tenant leaves voluntarily or 2) pursuant to the Forcible Entry and detainer Act i.e. an eviction. Serve your tenant with a 30 day notice and proceed with the eviction.

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