No Contact Info?

There is a massachusetts property under the TCI properties section for sale, in lawrence, but there is no contact info. Is there anyway the moderators can get that info?


  • KyleGatton7th April, 2004

    The person that posted it will have a personal page, clickl on that and private message the person with your question. The best we could do is email the user, but by Private messaging you would send an email to him as well. There would be no sense in us duplicating the effort to contact the user. If you need help Private messaging please click on the link at the top of the forums page for FAQ's.

    Good Luck,

  • Birddog19th April, 2004

    I know that much. The problem is, there is NO info whatsoever. I was hoping you guys could hunt down the seller for me.

  • joel10th April, 2004

    If they don't have the contact info in there, there isn't really much we can do.

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