No Access To Private Messaging?

It appears my access to private messaging is not working? As well, i cannot search the archives or property databases...??

Has my subscripition been cut off? smile

I must have made someone mad. cool grin


  • NancyChadwick3rd October, 2005


    I suggest you advise Joel by email(joel@thecreativeinvestor dot com) and ask him to make the appropriate changes to restore your access.


  • TheShortSalePro6th October, 2005

    If you act like a professional, you may expect to be treated like a professional.

  • joel6th October, 2005

    In the future, let me be aware of this.

  • woodsong6th October, 2005

    I agree with you 100%!!!

  • NancyChadwick6th October, 2005

    Me, too.


  • commercialking7th October, 2005

    Oh me too. This guy should just change his name to "I am an idiot"

  • JohnLocke9th October, 2005


    I am glad you told this poster to knock it off, this could have turned into a foul smelling situation should he have been allowed to continue using his nic.


  • JohnMerchant10th October, 2005

    I think all is well and sweeter smelling now.

    The culprit sent me a nice note admitting his culpability and apologizing for his haste and poor taste in picking his user name.

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