San Berdo/Riverside Area Need An Investor's Club!

We need a place to meet & to network & share knowledge;share advice with each other as to "how to" and "what not to do" ! learn to trade /barter& negociate~ associate with each other and interact and do whatever it takes to make every one of us win-win people and our negociations always a win-win situation* Anyone want to help start a club ? Was already a REIA memeber in 4 counties plus was active on seminar speaker's circuit~ will be easier second time around the block as to creating a dynamic, interactive networking atmosphere!!! NEED " YOU " to make it a ""SUCCESS"" !!! Want your e-mails! Please talk to me & gimme suggestions! Say "anything" be gentle *please !

Let's get together ?? If nothing else; will share some fun jokes? Smile for a while~~ life is too fleeting and precious to frown even for an instant!

Who am I you are wondering ? Veteran & experienced Graduate of > University of "Hard Knocks" > Sate Licenced independent buyer's broker ~ office +18 agents! Seminar speaker for RE educational formats to public and RE companies! Mortgage industry: refinance rep and office manager! Was one of the original specialists/experts in HUD/VA repos** HUD HUNTER ** nick name! Top selling agent in various Realtor companies! naturally that wasn't enough to satisfy! Was a bird dog for various investors in seller's market of the don't wanter's + desperate sellers~ searched them out~assisted with advise~ snapped & wrapped "hot deals"~ delivered to investors on silver platters~

At the personal level while learning was earning my**lil humor here>( life time membership into the Million Mistakes Club )> sought & obtained multiple properties> with" nothing down"(wasnt my $$$down) did not have any$$$ nor credit!!! Vast amounts of determination and caring attitutde~~ lotta blood,sweat and sometimes fears n tears; but it is possible!

I need investors to trust me to deliver the sweet deals and they need me to do the "find n negociate"" "lead n lock deals" in quick succession *** great deals are like rare-expensive cars~~~~ gone in 60 seconds!!! Profits are created thru knowledge, timing and responsive interaction! Every Win-Win deal is not an accident or co incidence! Each one has to be worked and molded into the finished masterpeice and each one is unique to its solutions and profits ratio! May I offer a simple philosophy: " ASK ~~~ the worst you are going to experience is the reaction of someone saying:"HUH!"" Are You For Real ?" Which can be fun! Most often~ later on~ they will usually end up thanking *You for asking and caring enough to talk to them in the first place. At least ~you can wish them best of luck as to their future and *You provided a listening,empathatic ear to their situation!


  • rholsti15th July, 2003

    there is a club there, try this web site.

  • rholsti25th July, 2003

    In this thread, I posted about a investors club in San Bernardino.. Here is another one, tuesday evening, the Inland Empire Investors Forum at 6:30 pm at the Eagle Glen Golf Club, 1800 Eagle Glen Pkwy, Corona... Topic is, Purchasing Strategies.. Hope this helps...

    • GregA29th July, 2003 Reply

      Im in riverside and very interested in going to a meeting in the I.E. area please email me at

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