Newbie Trying To Get Past The INTIMIDATION Factor!

Hello to all,

I live in San Diego, which, as many probably know, is quite the real estate hot spot (currently my own 2br/1.5ba condo is valued at ~$285K, sheesh!)

So, I made the decision this New Years to pursue creative REI full time in 6 mos. after I have done my time studying/learning/networking etc. and building my savings. As part of my networking goal, I joined the SD Creative Investor's Assoc. At my first SDCIA meeting last month I was flabbergasted to see, I would estimate, 300+ people at the meeting. I mean, I knew it was hot here but that is a HOT market, ya know? Seems like lots of players in the CREI field here!

Anyways, my question is kind of a combination commentary/question related to this observation. After seeing all those people at the meeting, I was very intimidated by all the seeming competition. But, the flip side is - I've heard it said that probably only 5% or less of the people you see at these meetings, on message boards (not this site of course), and at seminars, etc. are actually DOING something!

So if I start doing something and not lurking or just "coming to the meeting to listen" or whatever, will I be ahead of 95% of the fellow SDCIA'ers I see at these meetings?

Thoughts on this phenomenon are welcome, as is lots of encouragement to this intimidated newbie. smile Gracias!


  • Tripp3rd February, 2004

    [ Edited by Tripp on Date 02/05/2004 ]

  • c-brainard3rd February, 2004

    So, there were 300 people and 100% of them are CREI investors. San Diego has a population of 1,223,400; assuming the average residence holds two people, you have 2000 places per investor available. Sounds ok to me!


  • pejames4th February, 2004

    One thing to remember, There is more than enough to go around. You might have to look a bit more, but keep focused and dont give up!!! 300 investors could never touch all the business in that area, even if they thought they could, the numbers are to overwhelming. Just get in there and do it!! Don't look at them as your competition, look at them as another way to move a property!!
    Good luck!!

  • InActive_Account4th February, 2004

    Don't let 300 plus investors be a concern. Network with them so if any deals they don't want they will call you and you in return will calll them. I have found that there are so many deals you can run your business and never run into any one of the investors. So don't be put back by the number, just get busy and make your business grow.

  • elf25884th February, 2004

    Thanks for the positive encouragement, everybody! It's what I needed to stay on track... in my heart I know that is how I should be thinking (just do it and don't worry so much) but it is good to get the reinforcement from seasoned investors.

    It's funny, I have been scanning the local paper (SD Union Tribune) for the"I Buy Houses" type of ads just to suss out who is advertising... and there are only about 8 each Sunday. So, that is also encouraging. More evidence of many RE watchers, yet few "doers"?!?!

  • ewagar4th February, 2004

    On 2004-02-04 12:28, elf2588 wrote:
    It's funny, I have been scanning the local paper (SD Union Tribune) for the"I Buy Houses" ... and there are only about 8 each Sunday.

    I've noticed the same thing in the San Jose area. I have a few local papers, a few weeklies, and a few majors. I would say, they don't total more than 10 unique people.

    It leaves a lot for me, another beginner!


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