Newbie To This Forum

Hi guys and gals!

I am new to this forum but i want to start to invest in properties in the near future. How did you get your start with this and any advice to me you can offer? Thanks and talk soon

Luke wink


  • collegekid9th August, 2004

    I am probably as new as your are so my advise wont be the weight that some of these other guys can give you but this might be a start. Read, Read, Read and when you ask questions try to be more specific. The question of any advice sure is a large topic.

  • sayana9th August, 2004

    Hi Luke:
    TCI is a great site to learn the business and the best part is that it is all free. Read, read and read is a good advice because ignorance can be really very costly in REI.
    I would suggest you start with bird dogging and earn while you learn.
    sayana rolleyes

  • collegekid9th August, 2004

    do you really think that bird dogging is worth while. It sounds like a lot of work to pass on all of those leads. I understand that while we start out we dont have the resources to invest in them all but one doesnt need that much of an initial investment to acquire a property

  • jamieverkist9th August, 2004

    I just started in real estate as well. Collegekid is right about it not taking too much to invest in one property. I read every book and website I could get my hands on in the past three years and finally (two months ago) at 22 years old realized this is what I want to do. I just sold my first contract as of yesterday which is somewhat of bird-dogging...basically no risk I just put a property with equity under contract and sold it to another investor for $3000. Easy money. At the same time I have another property under contract that I plan on buying and either using it as a cash flow or selling to make a nice profit. Don't tie yourself down by saying I only bird-dog. Learn as you go and when you feel ready and find the right deal...consult people here of course grin and then go for it. The good thing about this buisness is its all up too you which I really like. Good luck...and always,always learn as much as possible.

  • nicolehackett11th August, 2004

    what did you do to put a home under contract for another investor? did you just respond to a newspaper ad or work with a real estate agent?

  • nicolehackett11th August, 2004

    what did you do to put a home under contract for another investor? did you just respond to a newspaper ad or work with a real estate agent?

  • kenmax11th August, 2004

    everyone of you are going in the right direction with read, read, read. i would like to add, get out into the re world. one of the best ways to learn is go look at prop. and ask agents and sellers questions. it's free and you will learn so much. by doing this you will also learn maket value. you will learn to "know" what a prop. is worth. talking to the agents/sellers you will learn about fin. and many, many other aspects of rei...........for free.......kenmax

  • LuCTheDuke14th August, 2004

    Thanks for the tips!

    On 2004-08-09 11:32, collegekid wrote:
    I am probably as new as your are so my advise wont be the weight that some of these other guys can give you but this might be a start. Read, Read, Read and when you ask questions try to be more specific. The question of any advice sure is a large topic.

  • LuCTheDuke14th August, 2004

    What books have you read that were of help to you? Just wondering, i've read rich dad poor dad and most recently am finishing Real Estates Riches but would love to know where to continue my studies? Congrats on bird-dogging! What is that specifically? By definition?


    On 2004-08-09 12:18, collegekid wrote:
    do you really think that bird dogging is worth while. It sounds like a lot of work to pass on all of those leads. I understand that while we start out we dont have the resources to invest in them all but one doesnt need that much of an initial investment to acquire a property

  • collegekid14th August, 2004

    I have read “The Millionaire next door” which is a great book to get a solid foundation on what it takes to reach our lofty goals. I am currently reading Buy it, Fix it, sell it, Profit by Myers. I selected it because I am looking in to the rehabbing side of the industry. A great web site for reviewing authors is he is very judgmental and likes to promote his books, but then again who doesn’t. If you search on his website a little you can find some other good advise. Try this one

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