Newbie To REI

Hi Everyone!

I am new to REI and eager to get started. I am currently enrolled in a Mentoring program but have found it to be a little less than what was portrayed for the $$$. I am taking to the bull by the horns so to speak. So here I am!!

Does anyone have any advice on how to get started as a Bird Dog? I need some insight on how to approach true REI individuals about bird-dogging for them and where do I find these individuals? I live in the Olympia, WA area and have a found a couple of “good deals” that I think have potential. But alas, no investors to contact.

Thanks in advance for all your advice and insight..


  • patrecejames10th October, 2004

    Welcome to the crazy life of REI. I would suggest you start by calling all the " we buy houses " ads and get the criterias for all these investors as well as the fees they pay for your services. Then you need to research your areas that you will be focusing on. Last but not least do a lot of reading on this website as well as any other material you can get your hands on to keep you on the right track. God bless you and have a good day.

  • Needs_Coffee10th October, 2004

    Thank you for tip! grin I looked in the local newspaper and a couple of sales periodicals and came up with two leads I will be contacting.

    I have read a number of posts here and seems like “doing the homework” is all-important. Generally speaking, what sort of homework should I be looking into? I don’t want to be presenting useless properties and wasting my investor’s time to a discredit to myself.

  • Needs_Coffee10th October, 2004

    Thanks LP,

    As I mentioned at the start of this post, the Mentoring program I bought into is proving to be less useful than it was portrayed. You are right; I am sitting here trying to figure out where to get started. I am motivated to make my money back PLUS! The information here in the forums and the replies to my post (thank you) have proven to be more clear and concise than my so called sesseions so far. I will definitely check out the link you recommended!

    Thank you very much!

  • patrecejames10th October, 2004

    when speaking to an investor asking them what type of properties they are interested in, whether they be SFR, Duplexes, Commercial etc. You can then do your work more effectively. I hope that helped.

  • Needs_Coffee10th October, 2004

    Thanks for the insight Patrece, I am going to call a couple on Monday!

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