Newbie Needs Help
I am a college student in NYC. I am very interested in real estate investing. I recently purchased Ron LeGrand's Wholesale/Retail System and look to get into wholesaling junkers. The problem is in my city I am either priced out of the market or all fairly priced junkers are in very neighborhoods(warzones). I talked to anothrer investor and he instructed me to look Upstate NY or New Jersey where laws are a bit more laxed and prices arent as high. I need to know how I could go about finding neighborhoods to look in in these areas. What should I do?I am open to all advice. :-?
You could always drive an area where you would like to buy your houses. That be in upstate New York or New Jersey, but that 's the way I got started. I also look it the newspapers for sellers
just to get an idea of where the houses are selling. It work I found an area and started buying and selling.