Newbie Needs Help In Philadelphia, PA

Does anyone know how to aquire legal notices (Notice of defaut) in Philadelphia. I've been down to city hall and no one seems to wanna help. What can I do? Where do I look? My goal is to contact owner of properties at the earliest stages of Foreclosure.
Thank you,


  • JohnMichael21st December, 2004

    By research the NOD's where mortgage documents are filed. Most allow you to search a specific document within a specific time frame.


  • InActive_Account21st December, 2004

    try and link on to philadox i am looking also.... and this as far as i got. this is online recording info ....its not cheap about 15.00 a hour to be on......let me know how you make out .

  • JohnMichael22nd December, 2004

    On 2004-12-21 21:56, phillyrealtor wrote:
    try and link on to philadox i am looking also.... and this as far as i got. this is online recording info ....its not cheap about 15.00 a hour to be on......let me know how you make out .

    The link leads to a general search engine. Is this the correct link?

  • InActive_Account22nd December, 2004

    sorry for the delay ......its ...go to the city web site and click philadox....i have not tried it yet but its the only online info i can gather....let me know how you make out and i will do the same.

  • KidInvestor23rd December, 2004

    I want to thank everyone for your advise and articles, keep them coming. I think I'm going to try the court house.

    Hey Phillyrealtor are you going down to city hall or the courthouse any time soon, maybe we can go together?

  • InActive_Account23rd December, 2004


    did you try that site .......whats your primary goal with the pre-foreclosures investing or consulting.

  • KidInvestor23rd December, 2004

    I went to that Website but I really don't now what I'm paying for...................................I mean there is no description of what they offer.

    I'm looking into Pre-foreclosures to make $$$$.

  • InActive_Account23rd December, 2004

    I'm not sure what 'preforeclosures' are. the first thing officially filed in PA is the Complaint. you check with the Prothonotary for the actual suits that are filed.

  • KidInvestor23rd December, 2004

    Where is the complaint filed?

  • WeAllWin23rd December, 2004

    Up here in the Poconos we have a perodical published by the local bar association. For a small fee they mail it to me every friday. It contains the latest legal notices including notice of mortgage foreclosure. It only gives names so you have to research to find an address.

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