Newbie looking for Real Estate Notes

Hi everyone. I just became a member and have already a question. I want to know what would be the best way to get contact to someone who wants to sell a real estate note or how to find owner of real estate notes on a private base. I don't want to use any professionell service. Every information is appreciated.
Thanks a lot.


  • Ladybug24th February, 2003

    Hi, you can find them at no cost, except your time, at your Court house where they keep the public records.

  • tanya121524th February, 2003

    Try talking with real estate attorneys, usually owners that do seller financing go to a RE attorney to have the documents prepared.

    The RE attorney may not be willing to freely give out information on their clients, but you can talk to them and leave a stack of business cards and tell them that if they know if anyone who is looking to sell their note to give them your card.

    Also, you can place an ad in the newspaper:

    "I buy Notes! or "I buy Debt!"
    Call xxx-xxxx"

    You will get a lot of phone calls about the debt one, but people will call.

  • HeidiWhite7th March, 2003

    When you got calls about the 'debt' - were people wondering if you'd pay them to take over their own personal debt?

    That happened to me when I was looking for Student Loan paper.

    I like the phrase CASH for NOTES, although not everyone knows what a note is. I BUY NOTES seems too much "I" oriented which supposedly is bad in marketing.

    I'm in the process of buying some 'signage' with the CASH for NOTES message - I'll keep the board informed how well it pulls.


  • VYKTAMO11th March, 2003

    I recently purchased a note from a Venture Capital Firm I was looking for realstate invesments on the internet and it said they buy so I figured they would sell them as well. I was not to sure if they sold them by units or bulk so I called and since then they've been a source for private notes. Best of all they don't charge me any proffecional fees.

  • Enigma11th March, 2003

    Hello all,
    There seems to be a lot of discussion as to where to find notes and which ones are the most secure. Apparently a note can be attached on anything (invoices - factories, marine, real estate, automobile, etc). What type of strategies have been used by the effective veteran investors? What advice do you give to a new person entering this industry? The Paper Source seems to have some good beginners knowledge. Would love to hear some feedback.


  • tab2nd April, 2003

    I would be interested to find out from the members at TCI the names of some good (from a pricing perspective) Cash flow Companies / funding companies that have been utilized with great success. There are so many "cash flow companies" and I would like to narrow my list down to 3-4 "go-to" funding companies that focus on purchasing Private Mortgage Notes??

    Thanks for your help....

  • Enigma6th April, 2003

    How did the CASH for NOTES ad work in your newspaper? I am interested in finding out some key words that would draw attention. How are you making money on student loan paper?

  • 11th April, 2003

    20% Return on your investment

    I install individual onsite wastewater systems and treatment plants. 42% of the state of Mississippi requires this. All new homes, conventional and manufactured, also home vacant for
    6 months or more require re-evaluation by health department for this purpose.

    All loans secured by real estate owned by the home owner. Loan tenure 3 years
    Loan amounts $1500 to $2500, all full recourse by my company, Infield Service Company LLC. the borrower make 10% down payment, infield charges 25% interest to borrower and gives 20% to investor keeps 5% for servicing loan and making records available at all time to investors including authorizing investors to monitor bank accounts of the lender for audit purposes.

    If interested call 1-877-419-2783
    Or email
    Complete contact information follows;

    Infield service company LLC
    5201 us highway 49 s
    Braxton ms 39044
    Office phone 1-877-419-2783
    Lenders home phone 601-847-5596
    Office fax 601-847-6885

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