I'm looking for and very much in need of a MENTOR and probably someone (or a couple people) for $$$ some seed money to invest. Let's talk, I'm sure we can be "CREATIVE" together >>> let's create a win-win-win opportunity!!!!
Please contact me here or send me an EM at: **Please See My Profile**
I look forward to hearing from you.
What do you have in mind for the area? Do you have leads to properties?
Hello BirdDog,
I'm so new at this that currently I don't have any leads...although I did want to convey that I'm willing to travel and that distance is not an issue with me as I do enjoy travel (be it for pleasure or business) in any of the neighboring states I listed, I live in central CT). I have begun (locally) to get out and "scout" for properties...duplexes/triplexes that catch my eye. I am very motivated to get into "action" and actually make my first purchase/flip and a second very shortly thereafter....I know I can't do my second, til I do my first. The one thing I believe that's holding me back a bit at this point is that I know how bad my credit report is at present; years of a mediocre-to-poor handling of credit/ past has caught up with me AND I'm trying to do something about that, pay back to those that I can while at the same time acquiring some working $$$$ to eventually be able to buy a single home that I would like to live in, in a location where I'd like to live. My plan is to work out the purchase(s) with either NO MONEY DOWN or with Other Peoples Money. So, I'm searching for a MENTOR, Partner(s) and any NETWORKING opportunity where "WE" can be CREATIVE....while MAKING MONEY and becoming "financially independent." Looking forward to replies.
Newbie, any luck finding a mentor? I'm also new to re investing, at least independently. I live in OR, but plan to make my way back to VT or NH in the next 6 months. I've been curious about Rutland, VT, Burlington, and possible southern NH. My plan is get a full time job when I return, and hook up with others on my own time to get involved in small multifamily. I have a little capital, but would prefer to do low down $$ deals. What are your interests?
First find a local group in your area, there you will find plenty of mentors.
Click on the Groups tab.