Newbie In Need Of Guidance..

I have had thoughts of looking into REI for some time now. My father has had the Carelton Sheets program laying around his house for 15 years. He had about 5 rental houses at one time back in the late 80's-early 90's.

About a month ago I finally listened to the CS program for the first time. It got me real fired up to investigate deeper the in's and outs of REI. I figured that the materials in that course where completely outdated by now.

In my research I came across this website, and I have to say it has been most informative. I have read alot of articles and posts (sometimes for hours at a time). Last night I came across another website for a REI named Dave Whisnant who has a REI course for sale. I have read through his website and his free 118 page ebook which supposedly only scratches the surface of his course. I found this short ebook to be more informative than the entire CS course.

My question is: Has anyone ever heard of this guy and if so do you think it would be a wise investment in his course. Also, if anyone knows of any good books dealing with pre-forclosures, flipping, and rehabing It would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance... wink


  • SolutionsKid2nd November, 2003


    Well, you have tons of options you really do. Never heard of the guy personally, but there are many great books and information sources out there.

    Go through the "shop" here and read some of the reviews people have put down. Then check other places for reviews, you will start to see who does quality work and who doesn't.

    I really don't want to give names just because I am partial to certain people, but basically just do some of your own research and see what you come up with.

    Definitely talk to alot of people though.

    Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe

  • ahabion2nd November, 2003

    whos that guy??? never heard of him... you have a wealth of info for FREE here. there are unless amounts of info here and really you can learn how to invest all here for free if you really wanted to, its just hard to put all the information together into one cohesive thought.

    but yes solutionskid is right, look here at the different stores and see what pops out at you. i just ordered JohnnyLocke's sub-to book and should be getting it soon. take a look around and like the above post, you'll see who has quality in their work.

    happy beginnings, i was once in your shoes 2 weeks ago, no i'm almost on my first deal.


  • Gonzo2nd November, 2003

    Hi Chris,

    You made your first step, research.

    Your second step, this site.

    You have more information in this site with these people than you can get in any course.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't get a course, I'm just saying that you should read on and get this first hand info every chance you get. These guys are great.

    Good luck on all your deals

  • roberttissy2nd November, 2003

    hi chris
    and the rest of you guys
    ive been reading these posts now going on 2 weeks with a real concern about spending money on useless info. but this site is better than great its worth it weight in gold. gives you a feeling of "i can do anything with these guys help" and i ordered john lockes book tonight
    things look better all the time

  • DaveREI3rd November, 2003

    Dave whisnant has been around a while now... he's not bad..

    The biggest thing is 118 pages for free... and you learned something....

    Cant beat that....

    welcome to the site and enjoy....

  • Chris_McConnell3rd November, 2003

    Thanks for the encouragement guys.

    I plan on educating myself until the end of the year through this web site and the dave whisnant course and hopefully try to make my first deal in the beginning of 2004. I'm headed to the county court house right now to have a look around and get familiar with it. Then I will start looking for a couple of good realtors.

    Does anyone know what is the best way to find hard money investors??

  • classimg3rd November, 2003

    We extend a welcome to our Newbie's "Welcome!"

    Eric & Rosa

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