New To Rehabbing - MOLD=run?

Im looking to do my first deal and it might be a rehab, I have heard that i should stay away from moldy houses... whats the real story with mold. Is it fixable? Should I run screaming or try and get it for cheap


  • JohnBergman8th December, 2003

    I have done quite a bit of work with industrial hygenists remediating moldy property. Find out if there have been insurance claims on the property for the mold issue. If there have been, be careful. It can be very difficult to get insurance. If not, mold is an overblown problem and relatively easy to remediate. Use the hysteria to get great deals.

    Often, the mold spore count in a property will be lower than the outside air. Spore counts are of little concern. It is the specific type of mold found in the residence.

  • JamesStreet8th December, 2003

    Could not resist replying to this after watching "King of the Hill" last night. (Please tell me you saw it. It dealt with nothing but mold in Hank's house)Mold may be a problem but if not an insurance scam it at least is a great tool to lower the price.

  • InActive_Account8th December, 2003

    Mold may or may not be a coslty problem. The only way to know is bring a mold guy out for an estimate of the problem and the cost to remediate the situation. That inspection should be part of your offer and a basis for voiding the agreement (or further negotiation).

  • cs28708th December, 2003

    well i havent seen the house yet, i have a realtor looking out for properties for me as a favor and she said this one needs a new roof, and that is the reason for the mold, because its been sitting empty with a messed up roof and as such there is water damage, and water u have water sitting, u are going to have mold eventually.

  • myfrogger8th December, 2003

    There are machines you can purchase to remedy mold. I'm not sure this is the best way to do it but I always run this machine in my rehab unit. It removes odor, kills mold and other bateria, and makes the air smell fresh. There is nothing better.

    Mold removers use the same principal as I use, shock it with ozone. You leave yourself open to liability if you do it yourself, but i'm not an attorney and I'm not sure that having a professional would release you from the liability.

    Check with an attorney. Keep in mind that attorneys, by nature, are concervative. I perfer ones that can give you an approach similar to: the upside is that you'll make 10 million dollars; the downside is that if you get caught you'll spend 10 years in jail. Then it is up to you to make the decision.

  • InActive_Account8th December, 2003

    How do you know which "mold Guy" to bring out? From what I understand you might get a quote of $50,000 from one and $5,000 from another. Would it be possible to check with the building codes department and see what the requirement for mold remediation is for that city/county. I have noticed a lot of Hud properties here with mold not remediated.

  • cs28709th December, 2003

    I looked in our phonebook and couldnt find anyone under mold or mildew. The ony thing i could find was under water damage, and they were just carpet cleaners.

    I looked at the house yesterday. Looks like a treel limb knocked a hole in the roof, so the mold is from moisture entering the house through the hole in the roof. Mainly its on the ceiling. was thinking it might be a good idea to go ahead and replace all the shingles and the plywood where necessary, and then to replace the sheetrock on the ceiling where affected since its bowing. The walls arent that bad... was thinking some bleach might take care of them. Any suggestions or comments?

  • InActive_Account9th December, 2003

    Here is the EPA site on mold
    you may want to check and see if your state site has anything on mold also.

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