New To Real Estate Investing! Need Help!


im only 19 years old dont really have that much money to invest with

only about 5k or so

is there anyone out there that was in my same position or has advice on how to start a great future in real estate investing

any tips or adive you can give me would help greatly

thank you


  • norrist31st October, 2005

    Spend a lot of time in the forums at TCI and find a local REIA group (see Groups tab above), join and attend the meetings...

  • InActive_Account1st November, 2005

    I have a question for you....

    Why do you want to get started in REI?

    your answer will dictate my response.

  • afterthouught1st November, 2005

    If this is your first investment in real estate, take advantage of first time buyer status and get started with purchase of your primary residence. while building equity you are a investor. keep learning and looking for bargains and maintaining a+++++ credit. then you can buy with little or nothing down.
    Good Luck

  • vguess991st November, 2005

    As a first time buyer, you can get a good rate on a multi. Go for a 3 or 4 units multi. Live in one unit and rent out the others. that should be a "safe" start...

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