New To Investing

I am 24 years old and have come full circle. I got into real estate about 2-3 years ago as far as looking to invest, but got into some mlm companies and other things. I figured I could make some money in mlm and then invest in real estate. Well things have not went the way I thought that they would(surprise! surprise!). but to make a long story short, I know that real estate is what I love. Everything about it. I am trying to learn what I can but I need a mentor a real one. Any suggestions? Thanks alot.


  • InActive_Account19th April, 2004

    My 1st suggestion is to join a local REI club and become active. You will meet investors who may be willing to mentor you. Suggestion#2 find the area of REI which most interest you and concentrate in that area at first. Later as you gain experience you can branch out into other areas.

  • LarryTX19th April, 2004

    If you want to be successful then sign up for a membership to this BB and begin to read through th posts on a certain area that interests you. DON'T jump around to much from all the forums because you will get sidetrack. Also it is a good idea to lean how to search for certain information in the past achrives so I would also suggest you learn how to do this so know how to use it when you really need it.

    The reason I say this is because this site has a ton of information if you learn how to use it to your advantage. Think of this site as taking a drink of water from a fire hydrant. Almost every question has come up at least so if you learn how to navigate this site you will in turn learn how to find answers to almost all your questions.


    Larry Brusatori

  • jamel19th April, 2004

    Thanks for the advice, I am in Columbus Ohio and I belong to the REIA here, but have not been able to find anyone to mentor me yet. I am still looking. The area that I am interested in is lease options, and assigned deals, because of my credit and current financial situation that seems to be the best route for me to go, also the fact that they both require you to be creative and use your head which i am always up to a challenge. thanks again.
    Columbus, Ohio.

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