New Mutil Family Home Cost

Does anyone have any idea about costs for building a new 2 family home in the newark, new jersey area?

Are there some builders anyone could direct me too?


  • NC_Yank27th January, 2005

    Greetings Somoose,

    First of all, is this problem recent or has it been going on for years / decades?

    You should be able to tell by the amount of deterioration and discolor.

    Is this a block and brick basement or solid concrete?
    I suspect its brick but Im only guessing.

    If the neighbors have graded their property so that it "dumps" water run off onto your property then they may be held liable, you would have to consult with an attorney about that.

    The things that you can control is; water run off on your own property.
    This consist of extending drain pipes from your gutters if you have any as well as correcting any grading issues that you may have.

    There are products that may help such as DryLok, can be bought at Home Depot........or other products comparable.
    These products effectiveness often depend on the amount of damage their is.

    The above cost is very cheap.........other solutions would be costly or ineffective.........such as putting a berm or an exterior french drain away from the house.
    Building a berm will do very little if not make it worse.

    Not slamming you but this is a prime example why a home inspection by a professional, about $300.00, would have paid off. You as well as others would do well to read the article I submitted about Common Home Inspection Problems. While the article is not designed to teach home is a glimpse on what to look out for.

    I would do the Drylock , gutter and drain fixes before I start spending big bucks.

    Again if the neighbors grade has drastically effected yor property then it would be wise to consult with an attorney about such.

    As in the article I wrote, this happened to a new home I built.
    They wanted the property graded differently to which I refused explainingg the ramifications to such. They took it upon theirselves to change the grade after closing at which time it caused problems with the neighbors. Bottom line they had to change it back to the way I had it.

    Hope it works out.


    PS. Let us know what sort of prices you get from the Landscaping "Engineer" ............also ask them if they can guarantee their solution will work. Have them put it in writting.

    Bet you a donut you wont see it in writting. (laugh)

  • InActive_Account28th January, 2005

    Terrascaping/terraforming - it just means moving dirt around to achomplish whatever your goals are.

    Never heard of that company.

  • InActive_Account27th January, 2005

    I would disconect the gas, water and electricity one at a time, not all at once. Do the gas and water with the ecticity left on, or do the electricity first then the gas and water.

    If it was me, I would leave 3 20 amp circuits live on the panel, run (3) 12/2 romex wires to the 2nd floor and hook up a double gang duplex box to each (4 outlets each) then you can gut the rest of the electrical. You can run 12 guage extension cords off the boxes and split them out 3 ways to run lights, tools ect...

  • TheBreadman28th January, 2005

    Thanks for the tip. I am going to get the materials today.

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