New Landlord - Signing Lease Tommorrow

Hi i have a few questions regarding a lease:
1. Should children be listed on the lease along with adults ?
2. Should i have tenants put initials on every page ?
3. Should i notorize signatures on the lease?


Victoria[ Edited by velin on Date 03/12/2004 ]


  • Tedjr12th March, 2004

    Listing names of children is not a bad idea but not really necessary. Just have sign lease at end where it says tenant or occupant. No need to notarize a lease. Does not even have to be written lease in most states but it helps with evictions etc.

    Good LUCK and Thank You
    Hope this helps some
    Ted Jr

  • velin12th March, 2004

    thank you Ted

  • NancyChadwick12th March, 2004

    As for getting initals on every page...

    I think this is a good idea, even if no lease provisions are changed. In PA, buyer and seller in house transactions typically initial and date every page. (If changes are made, of course, both you and tenants should intial where the changes appear and date your initials.)

  • hibby7612th March, 2004


    1. U are letting, for example, 4 specific people, who you have approved, live in your apartment. That is very different than 2 adults and 2 kids. Among certain cultures it's not uncommon to have children move from one family to another. It's not hard to write their names on the lease.

    2. Absolutly. This verifies that they have read and agreed to it. Additionally you should both initial any and all changes.

    3. Double check that their names match the names on their drivers lisence. I hope you've done a background check, which will verify social security numbers. Notarizing it overkill.

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