Nevada Corporation?

I have set up a company and registered federally...and in the county...but I have been reading a lot that one should incorporate in Nevada for tax shelter.

How does one file in Nevada as doing business in Florida? What address is used and where can I go to do this?

Thank you for your help.


  • JohnMerchant29th February, 2004

    You've raised an interesting point that takes up thousands of pp. in law books, but I will just quickly say that just because a Corp or LLC in State A owns RE in State B, that's not necessarily, legally, "doing business" in State B.

    Lots of law on what is/is not Doing Business, and again, the mere ownership of RE, or maybe even the rental of that RE, is not necessarily DB in other states.

    So, before you register your State A corp in State B, check with a local lawyer in State B to see if you really need to register it, by appt. of a local Agent for Service, in State B.

    The reason this is a HUGE legal area is because jillions of co.'s sell or have their sales people on the road, or on phone or web, trying to sell in all the other 49...and most states have gone pretty slow in saying that everything so done is legally DB in their states...because what State A does to business in State B is gonna bounce back and bite them when State B retaliates. When the business people there want to do business in State A & find new, tough requirements because of this retaliation.

    When it is advisable or necessary to register corp or LLC in another state, you'd file Appointment of Registed Agent in State B, with Sec of State in State B...and then you'd pay his/her/its annual fee plus the annual fee of State B for that registration.

    There are a lot of companies who specialize in being the RAS (registered agent for service) in all states, and who charge handsome fees for this service.

    So as you can see, for a co. selling its wares nationwide, this could get to be a very expensive propostion, having to pay those annual fees & costs in all the other states.

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