
I have really enjoyed my time on this site and I have been meeting some of the most interesting people. I encourage you all to send out an email to a few folks in your area and possibly develop a partnership. We can all literally change our financial futures through Real Estate Investing. And working with those around you only makes things easier. Most importantly don't be afraid to ask questions. There is always someone on here that can help you and lead you in the right direction.

Finally, I am looking forward to meeting all investors on the East Coast (where I reside). I have come to the realization that the only way to succeed in life is to seek assistance when needed and to help others along the way. No one person has all of the answers, so let's help each other!

I'm currently working on lease-options, multi-units and pre-foreclosures as my area of focus. If you have any interest drop me an email. I would love to chat about techniques, problems, etc.... whatever comes to mind.

PS. I thank you all for the advice that you have been giving me over the past few weeks.



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