
Ok, I am very nervous about this. I have gone over the Carlton Sheets course 3 times. I have gone through this site with a fine tooth comb and I think I have a good grasp. What scares me is that I have terrible credit and I have a grasp of the no money down concept but I'm afraid once i get a contract I will not be able to sell it to someone else by the end of the 30 days. I really don't want to birddog, I want to go all the way with this. But I am open to any advice I can get right now. I am a 26 year old and I want to get started yesterday. surprised



  • bgrossnickle28th February, 2004

    In my area there are companies that buy properties to resell to newbie real estate enthusiasts. Unfortunately they sell at an inflated price. But fortunately, they buy just about anything under full retail. They are a great source of unloading wholesale properties if no body else will bite.

    Do you belong to a real estate club. Surely there must be big time wholesalers or rehabbers that would be happy to be on your list. And of course there is always the newspaper.

    Just start doing it!!


  • lansinginvestor29th February, 2004

    I thought I have seen on this board that when you get the contract with your sellers, have it be subject to you assigning it, or subleasing it, and if you are unable to, then you have an out. Bottom line, it's only money, not the end of the world. Keep it in perspective, jump in and give it a try!


  • jlbolls29th February, 2004

    If you are buying subject to then you are not liable for the persons mortgage legally. But ethically and morally you are just because you said you would help this person out.

    If you work a sub to deal correctly you won't have any problem finding someone to purchase the house or at least lease it until you can find a buyer. Have some money set aside just in case the buyer is late on some payments...............You can do this you just need to take that first step. Step by step you will feel more stable and confident than ever.

    The trick is that there isn't one. You just have to go for it. So just go do it. Happy investing.....and good luck.

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