Negative People

I am so thankful for this website. This seems to be the only place I can come to talk about real estate without getting negative feedback. Does anyone else get negative feedback from other people (spouse, parents, siblings, co-workers) when you bring up REI? I am so excited about REI, but no one I speak to thinks you can make serious money at REI. Or even beleives it to be a real proffesion. I HATE THAT!


  • astrojunkie19th August, 2004

    It's funny you mention it. My family and friends havenever taken it seriously, either.

    The people who don't take REI seriously are the same people who think inside their little box. You know the ones, go to school, get a job, work hard, work long, retire old, die tired.

    There are plenty of investors here that have made plenty of money investing and now they offer to teach us how to do it. Ask around!

  • mattfish1119th August, 2004

    When I first told my parents that I want to invest in Real Estate, I was 22 had a temporary job, low income, high debt (due to student loans), and no experience in landlording... They were supportive, but told me that I needed a lot of money, and good credit... I had the good credit but no money...

    So I didn't start investing until I had money... I turned 24, spent a year and a half of my life buying courses, reading books, etc. and still didn't buy a property... I am not 25 and own 1 property, but bird dog for investors in my area... I still have a job (just over broke) and I'm working on my plan to become a full time investor... We'll see how that turns out, but its looking pretty good for me!

    RE has produced more millionaires than any other industry...

    Good Luck!

  • fmmp19th August, 2004

    When you receive negative feedback from people it usually means you are doing something "right"! :-D

  • ray_higdon19th August, 2004

    People want you to fail, they need it to happen to show them that they were right and that security is being a working stiff all your life and not thinking outside of the box called a career.

    The majority of people retire poor. If the majority of people agree with everything you say, you will retire poor.

  • commercialking19th August, 2004

    Be thankful for each and every one of those negative people. They will not be competing with you next time you try to buy another building.

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