Need Suggestions On Ny Or OH Town Paper For FL Rehab

I have a fully rehabbed home in Central Florida that is ready to sell and I would like to market it up north in some local newspapers.

Does anyone have any suggestions on town newspapers to run real estate ads that they can recommend?

A few of the neighbors where my rehab is located are from up state NY -they have told me that there people up there that are ready willing and able to buy in Florida - now it is my job to find them. With so many listings and deals down here- I am going up there to find them.


  • haynesm28th April, 2008

    They tax me when I make money and they tax you when you make money from me. So - If we could give the money to enough people then pretty soon it would evaporate though taxes. Maybe they need to make money that would SHRINK when it is taxed so it would eventually go away and there would be no more money to tax.
    Just something that poped into my little mind

  • LeaseOptionKing28th April, 2008

    The materials and labor he uses in his business is his responsibility. Your responsibility is only to 1099 everyone you pay $600 or more in a year. You 1099 him for the full amount. Write-offs are more tricky. Check with a CPA for your case. Repairs are fully deductible; however, "improvements" have to be depreciated.

    "A deal is only as good as the quality of your Contracts." --Me[ Edited by LeaseOptionKing on Date 04/28/2008 ]

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