Need Some Investing Advice!

Ok, I live in powdunk Wyoming, however we're going through an unbelievable growth phase right now and the real estate market is soaring out the roof. I got in with a mortgage broker and he calls me with preforeclosers, I have 3 properties lined out right now that I don't want to miss out on. The only problem is that the investors I have lined out here won't have $ for me until February. I was looking at the investing oppurtunites posted on this sight and I noticed that most require documentation. I have excellent credit, but I just quit my full-time job for a part-time one so that I could focus more time on my investing. I don't make a whole lot doing it. What should I do? What is the best way to go with investors - I've been dealing primarily with private investors up until now, the only problem is that the $ is slow in getting to me and houses are selling the same day they are going on the market here so speed is really of the essence. Any suggestions? tongue laugh


  • JohnMichael17th December, 2004

    You may want to look into using hard moneylenders.
    Finding other investors to add to your list.
    Becoming a bird dog for other investors.

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