Need Opinions On Rehab With Possible Mold

Are mold inspections worthwhile?

This house is 5 years old, stucco on block and has extensive signs of mold/mildew around the perimeter on the interior lowest section of the walls. On exterior walls outside the house no signs of problems. Although I think they planted vegatation too close to the building. I was wondering which of 2 options to take

1)Get a mold inspection and then repair

2) Forget mold inspection and just get going. Gut, replace insulation and then drywall. Then grade yard and add gutters to run water away from the house

I was thinking to get the mold inspection because we cannot figure out what caused the mold and I really would not like to just repair and run leaving it a problem for the next folks. Also, what issues of disclosures might we run into at selling time?

[ Edited by linlin on Date 06/22/2007 ]


  • NC_Yank22nd June, 2007

    You already know what causes mold...............moisture.

    Get rid of the moisture and you get rid of mold............also get the vegetation away from the should have a minimum of a 2 - 3 foot distance.

    You did not say if this was a slab, crawl space or can not address the inspection issue other then if it is a crawl or basement, check the band boards and subfloor.


  • linlin22nd June, 2007

    It is on a slab. I know moisutre causes mold. What is difficult is finding the source of the moisture. So far we ruled out leaking pipes, leaking roof, AC, improper sealing of windows , improper/doors and improper ventilation of attic. The exterior is in excellent shape and cannot find any breeches. The only viable thoughts I have left to entertain is the drainage around the house or that they did not put a moisture barrier before stuccoing.
    [ Edited by linlin on Date 06/22/2007 ]

  • inspmike12th July, 2007

    I am a certified building inspector and a certified residential mold inspector. DO NOT repair without finding out the source of the moisture. It may be what we call "lifestyle" mold. This is created by the way people live. Never open windows, leave damp clothing around, shower with no ventilation etc..
    There are basically two type of mold. Allergenic and pathogenic. Most are allergenic and can be remediatied by cleaning with a commercial cleaner. If it is pathogenic (or toxic) it must be remediated by a certified mold remediation comapny under strict protocols. I recommend having a mold company come out and they can answer all those questions for you. Good luck.

  • linlin12th July, 2007

    Turned out to be "spite mold". WHat I mean is apparently the previous owners were foreclosed last year so they flooded the house - left all the faucets on with all the drains closed. The people the bank hired to process the house knew about it, made a report but did nothing to dry-out the property hence the mold.
    Gutted the place, had it treated by a mold lab and just got the air quality tested and all passed with flying colors.
    Hope the next deal is this good.

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