Need One Clear Answer

on my transunion Credit report it say on a repossesion says dated opened 12/95,
date of last activity 10/97, and date close 11/97, when does this darn thing go ooff my my credit report. and does a ccompany that buy the loans does there stuff come off after the seven years too ?


  • just_for_giggles17th April, 2004

    It should fall off 10/04 - 7 years from the DOLA. Write to the credit bureau, tell them it is not yours. . .since it is so old they will probably remove it instead of going through the verification process.

  • mike336717th April, 2004

    they just sold this darn thing in dec of 2003 , how long does this new company get to stay on my credit report? this is for the same loan that had the date of last activity in 10/97

  • just_for_giggles17th April, 2004

    I suggest you immerse yourself in one of the many credit repair forums on the internet. . .you will learn a lot and get specific answers on how to adjust this blemish. Yes, you had a repo, yes, you've learned your lesson, yes you've just about waited out the mandatory 7 years for it to go away, and now this shows up. There are ways to make it go away. Go read smile

  • tinman17557th May, 2004

    The best way to make it go away is pay it!!!!!!


    We are still acountatable for our mistakes.

  • TMClark7th May, 2004

    Be very very careful - IN GENERAL, all derogatory items remain for 7 years, yes; however, that is from the "Date of Last Activity" (DLA).If you do anything to that account, it can re-list the DLA as the date that you initiate contact, and the "recent-ness" of the DLA is heavily weighted in score calculatons, not to mention that the 7-year window USUALLY begins all over again, as of the NEW DLA. There are ways to overcome this problem, but being new (BRAND new) here I'm not sure what is allowed or even the rules governing discussion topics. So, I'll check back later to find out, and hopefully can explain better then.

  • JohnLocke7th May, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    Simple just read the rules, no pm me, email me or call me, just answer the questions as they appear to help your fellow community members.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • LoneGunman9th May, 2004

    On 2004-04-17 01:31, mike3367 wrote:
    they just sold this darn thing in dec of 2003 , how long does this new company get to stay on my credit report? this is for the same loan that had the date of last activity in 10/97

    They can sell it as many times as they want, it does not add any more time to the drop off date. Keep a copy of this report in case they try to reage the debt.

  • j_owley3rd July, 2004

    try the help me approach, write a letter to the appropate person at the new company, they can have it deleted from the account if they desire to


    P S i did this on an account that was about 6 1/2 years along from the last date of activity. In my case it was a computer program glitch that caused 9 90 day late's. their software could not adjust to new payment arrangement.

    the person over the department had the account deleted and it finally went away, we did not even know it was on our report untill we had applied for credit

    John :-o

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