Need Help

hello all, I am new to this, well maybe. I have only been trying to do this for the longest now. My issue is not being able to speak well to people on the phone, such as when calling for info on a house then trying to explain an offer to them. I get nervous and my words get mixed and confused. Does anyone have any ideas on how to be confident ?


  • edmeyer13th January, 2004

    This is just a thought. When you phone you might concentrate on asking questions of the owner. Certainly questions about the property are important. You might also ask questions about why the owner is selling, what are there plans, what do they want. This will help you construct an offer that is more likely to be accepted and allow you to strategize alternative ideas.

    You might then present the offer in person. This will give you face to face with the seller and perhaps make you more comfortable if you do not do so well over the phone.
    Hope this helps.

  • BMan13th January, 2004

    I ALWAYS write down what I want to say wether it is questions I want to ask or comments I want to make...I find it embarassing to have to sit and think when you know there is just one more thing you want to say/ask

    works for me

  • katrina13th January, 2004

    thanks for your help
    any answers are greatly appreciated

  • trumpster14th January, 2004

    Try writing down what you wish to say using several different statements and practice them outloud to yourself in front of the mirror. This will help you in becomming more vocally fluid with the RE terms as well as conveying a certain amount expertise to whom your talking.

  • davehays14th January, 2004

    Katrina, for overall confidence and self esteem building personal growth work, I would suggest some tapes on NLP, neuro linguistic programming. While it is not the end all be all, it certainly is a great positive step forward in learning how to become a better communicator and how to gain confidence.

    You might try The Sedona Method as well, by Hale Dwoskin. If you are new to this stuff, it may seem hard to grasp, but stick with it. It is your limiting emotions that get in the way (aside from not having a script of questions, greetings, negotations etc.) and keep you from communicating how you intend to.

    Best of luck, Dave

  • Japher14th January, 2004

    I would also suggest joining Toast Masters. I have a friend who was shy and a poor speaker, and he was about to become an attorney!!! He enrolled in Toastmasters 5 years ago, still goes, and is a great prosecuting attorney.

    It could also get you some network partners, as many of the ppl in those grps are there to learn to speak for one reason or another.

  • katrina14th January, 2004

    what is toast masters

  • Japher14th January, 2004

    Toastmasters is an organization that helps people develop communication skills. It's more like a club with weekly meeting and donuts. It focuses on public speaking, but helps with everything related to communication; asertivness, confidence, keeping your head, etc...

    Search them on Google, I am sure there is one near you as they are all over the nation.

  • ahabion14th January, 2004

    call more people and keep on talking!!! sure your first few phone calls are nerve recking but life is the greatest teacher and the more you do, the easier it becomes.

    writing down your ?'s and comments are good to do for anyone, just so you dont think you missed something. but make it a habit to ask several key ?'s every phone call. it'll make you more money and will help you in the talking.

    my .02cents


  • katrina14th January, 2004

    thanks everyone for your help. it is appreciated

  • EUREO14th January, 2004

    The problem you are having is with the self-confidence. Am I good enough? What if uncertainties can be overwhelming. There are lot of different scripts you can use for the scenario you are having the problem with. For example: Have a checkbox form in front of you and the whole process would be easier. Also, if you want to present yourself in the best light, have someone write you a smooth and short introductory letter, which you can read from the beginning and then, as you grow more confident, you will abandon the paperwork.

  • EUREO14th January, 2004

    The problem you are having is with the self-confidence. Am I good enough? What if uncertainties can be overwhelming. There are lot of different scripts you can use for the scenario you are having the problem with. For example: Have a checkbox form in front of you and the whole process would be easier. Also, if you want to present yourself in the best light, have someone write you a smooth and short introductory letter, which you can read from the beginning and then, as you grow more confident, you will abandon the paperwork.

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