Need Help Finding Pre-foreclosure List - Locked?

Wondering why "Need Help Finding Pre-foreclosure List" topic is locked?



  • JohnMichael5th January, 2005

    Because we have 76 topics on the same issue.

    By searching TCI or following the links, answers are provided.

  • bgrossnickle5th January, 2005

    So we are not going to have any further discussions on pre-foreclosure listings?

    A huge percentage of questions asked on this forum have been asked hundreds of times. Right now looking over to the Topics N Comments I see a question on the Dorean Process, What is the next step now that they have found a property, Capitol Gains and Short Sells, How to insure properties bought in an LLC, and several others that I have seen asked and DISCUSSED dozens of times.

    Obviously it is helpful for someone to give the links of previous discussions and point the person to where he can get further educated. But forums are for discussion. People come to forums to discuss, not to read articles and do research. Yes we could all learn by reading articles and doing reseach, but forums are a seperate tool for learning - a tool that uses discussion.

    I think it is bad for the forums to lock up a topic just because the moderator thinks that the question has been asked too many times.


  • JohnMichael5th January, 2005

    Good point!

    What is the best teacher?

    One who does all the work or the one that teaches a student to do all the work?

    The art of real estate is research and if we do not teach research - such as a forum search for information how can one learn the skills properly.

    At what point would be best to stop holding and teach to walk?

    I treat this great forum and it's wonderful people just like my students - there is a time to crawl, there is a time to walk and there is a time to run!

    Now is the time to run on this subject! We will agree to disagree!

    You said People come to forums to discuss, not to read articles and do research.

    This I will disagree with you on as most do come to this forum just to read articles and do research as this is what brings people to this great forum and if you would do a member search you will see that most do not post, but come to do research.

    We can just agree to disagree, no need to get all noted up about it all, but we do need to move on.

  • bgrossnickle6th January, 2005

    I am not upset. You made some remark about my attitude and I am too lazy to go and look.

    If I sign up for a squash lesson and show up only to have the teacher tell me what I need to do for the next hour is to read a book, I would find another teacher. Sure reading a book about squash is a good tool, but I signed up for a lesson. Lessons involve dialogue and individual attention.

    What if the person that asked the question just found another forum. What if the person who asked the question read all those previous topics and did not find some of their questions answered. Do you think that they will be confident enough to post another topic? Do you even think they will be confident enough to post a topic on another topic? I doubt it. You have essentially regulated that person to a second class citizen.

    It is bad for the forum and bad for the people using the forum to lock topics because the question of over asked. Post your URLs reply. When someone replies as you did to that post, it pretty much stops all replies anyway.

    BTW - I look at every pre foreclosure list topic to see if someone has any new ideas as I am researching pre-foreclosure lists. On just the last pre-foreclosure topic I posted a FL link that had only been referrenced once in a post (I did a search) yet it is an excellent FL list company.


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