Need Experience And Cash

Located approximately 12 m W of Walt Disney World. This property was converted from a Days Inn to a condo complex in 1997. In 1998 the main sprinkler line broke and flooded the second and first floor in the main building. The insurance company made payment for the repairs needing to be made, but those repairs were never done and the building was condemned. The ownership of this complex is currently held by several different financial institutions, time share owners, etc.... This project needs to be taken over by a developer that can put the time and resources into it, to coordinate purchasing the other units in the buildings, and work with the city. If you are a developer and this sounds like a project you would like to take on . . There are a total of 255 units in the complex. In 1997, these units sold for an average of more than $37,000 each. This project has big potential.

This project is too big for me to handle alone. Need someone to invest and someone with experience.


  • epayso14th August, 2007

    contact me **Please See My Profile**

  • stdavid19th August, 2007

    I have no idea where Summerville is, but a garage is substantially more valuable than a 5th bedroom. If it were a 1 bed house with the garage as a 2nd bed, it may be different. Many people will not even look at a house without a garage. The only way you would need 5 bedrooms and could not settle with 4 is if you have 6 or 7 kids, and who does that anymore?

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