Need Advice On First Short Sell!

There is a 3/2 SFH being offered to me for 200k, and its FMV is 220K (maybe more). Well there owner told me that she would not put it on the MLS if I wanted it. I got another investor that says that he buys property no matter what, where, and when. I am a newbie that is eager for success! I am not sure what I should do?

Should I:
A. Give it to the big investor for a small finders fee.

B. Close the deal with a small fee, and sell it for more and make a profit.

Like I said I am very new and very unexperienced. Does anyone have any advice? I dont want to blow this. How would I approach this? Should I call a Lawyer, ext....... By the way I am in souther California in the Riverside County area.


  • cjmazur14th June, 2004

    Do you believe the value of the house?

    what other liens are there

    CA State
    more mortgages.

    If you're comfortablt w/ those factors you might go for it.

    If you want tomake a couple grand dog it for the investor

    watch that the investor doesn't scalp you.

    Do you have any RE broker or apprasial friends? Ask then for a "paper" apprasial.

    good luck.

  • e4rr2314th June, 2004

    Taxes are paid, 1 mortgage, no judgements.

    What do you mean the investor does'nt scalp you? How do I protect myself?

    I have no appraisal or broker friends.
    How should I dog it with little cash?
    How do I make sure it can sell if I invest out of pocket?

    Thank you for responding!

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