Need Advice/ Major Crisis

I purchased on written contract from a broker/realtor in Kansas a non-rentable money pit. I invested dangerously with finance and heart. After 2 months the broker called my home congratulating me on the success,and offered me 2more 4-plexes (severe money pits). He threw me the keys and said written contracts would be done when he recieved papers himself,and not to worry. I didnt worry until 17 months and over $100,000 later, I got info from the real estate commission board about the WRITTEN contract for the property I purhcased first, was bogus, (fraud penelties ect..) I acted fast and borrowed enough money to pay the realtor in full for the LEGAL contracts on all the ,now 13 ****Must Reach Freshman Investor status before posting URL's***he broker/realtor ignored me and within 24 hrs,(around midnight) he changed locks on all the properties, scaring tenants, raising rent on some, telling them he was the ****Must Reach Freshman Investor status before posting URL's*** hired an atty asap,although this happened in 2001, and now its 2004, my current atty seems to play a lot of golf with the broker/realtors atty. I have tax and insurance receipts in my name on the properties and TONS of ect.. I live in Kansas.( single mom still paying for loans on the upgrading of the properties. Please respond, I need all the advice I can get right now.


  • JohnLocke11th February, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    I did not want you to feel that you are alone, however this is really a question for an attorney.

    It looks like there is a possibility of criminal fraud. So, since Realtors fall under the State as far as licensing I would recommend you go to this site.

    You can file a complaint with the state Attorney Generals Office and they will investigate. Stick only to the facts do not use conjecture on your part, an example is "your attorney plays golf with so and so." Just the facts.

    Litigation is expensive maybe the AG's office can resolve this through an investigation.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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