National Grants Conferences

Has anyone ever attended one of these NGC's. I went to one last week and it appeared to be beneficial, but I am also hearing that it is a rip-off. Can anyone shed some light on this discrepency? Thank you.


  • bxk22526th June, 2003

    Hi bryan,
    I attend Penn state university, my room mate and i attended the the conference and believe me it is a rip off. Why do you think the senator started the company, he has access to grants to start a company which is promoting information about government programs and he himself probably got the funding to do it. Luckily my school is a land grant university and we have our own grant writing department. My roomates grandma used to work for them and they help the process. I never went any further than that though. The conference promised 4 free books and tapes.....where are they...haha......those bastards....

  • tlcinvestor29th July, 2003

    I went to one also and found it to be an utter joke!!!!!!!!!

  • cmarkos31st July, 2003

    i also had a negative experience with them-all their manuals and websites
    were incorrect or didn't exist!!!!

    a real con game!!

  • tlcinvestor31st July, 2003

    Please don't waste your money or TIME gonig to one of these. When I went to one, after the NGC, some guy started speaking about the Internet and how HIS CD could help you make money. What a sloppy slales pitch. I thought I was a the carnaval. And people got in line to buy his CD!!! I immediately left.

    That taught me that there are many fools in the world!!!

    I would not have taken HIS CD for free less more the $20 that he was asking.

  • tm01015th August, 2003

    Any of those "Free" conferences and siminars are nothing but a marketing tool to make money. They are not out to help you, only to help themselves. I went to this conference just to see what they do, and I wasn't at all surprised, it's just as I thought, "it's a joke" they show the same testimonials over and over again. They have to be very old by now. That CD they try to sell you at the end is worthless. It is not easy to make money on the internet now, times has changed. My advice is start your own "free" siminar business and sell worthless information, that's where the money is.

  • Rehunter6th August, 2003

    NGC is a big rip off! I went with high hopes and they asked me for a minimum of $800.00 with no guarantee of ever getting me a grant! I purposely came with no money because I knew I would spend it all if I had it on me because of the sales pitches these conference people use! They are under investigation by the state attorney general. If you want info. on grants and guaranteed loans (which there are a lot more of than grants for the average guy), go to Deborah Kluge's site at: ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's*** She also has articles on NGC and letters from people about their experience.
    Also try ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***, Go to the library and ask for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, or for foundation grants to individuals e-mail: **Please See My Profile** You will have to pay $9.95 for the online directory access. I think you can get it free at the library. Ask.

  • Rehunter6th August, 2003

    Sorry, I didn't know I couldn't post URL's. Anyway, just type in Deborah Kluge Independant Consultant and her site should come up. All the other links are listed on her site. It's the most extensive I've seen! You may also want to type in "The Foundation Center". They list all the foundation grants and grants to individuals.

  • 501c38th September, 2003

    NGC is a for profit organization. When did making money become a crime in this country? They offer INFORMATION and the SERVICE to get a government loan or grant so what's wrong with that? They offer you a free seminar to pique your interest IF IT IS INDEED SOMETHING YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN DOING then you have a CHOICE to continue. Think about this, even if you decide not to join their program knowing that there are government backed loan and grants for just about anythink is information worth more than the 2 hours you spent. I don't work for NGC but I just finished a 2 day workshop and they have a wealth of VALUABLE and APPLICABLE information as they promised in their free seminar. Value is relative, so how much is the information and service to get HELP and MONEY for your business worth to you?

  • canaanelijah4th October, 2003

    thanks for the info. I had really hoped this was legit! Anyone have good results? Anyone? Beller... Bueller?

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