N0-Shows In The Ghettos

Ok, I get the calls, I set the appts, how do i get 'em to show up? I've tried the pot of coffee, now what do i do??! Most are on Sect. 8. I tell them the info over the phone, then I schedule the appt. I call them 1 hour before and confirm. They all say they are still coming. Then, no-show! Ok, I live in the South, is this just Southern sweetness or what? I just want the truth! I don't care if they don't show or do, I just don't want to waste my time. I work out of my house, so I can't tell them to stop by my office and we'll drive over. Should I tell them to meet me at a store near my house? Should I schedule an open house with coffee and balloons? Keep in mind..Sect. 8 is my market. One guy mentioned doing the open house, but I advertise in the Sunday paper...when would i set the open house for? I would think the ideal day would be Sunday?? But, most people call in on Mon or Tues (from reading the Sun ad). Please help!! <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_confused.gif"> [ Edited by Pat on Date 10/08/2003 ]


  • Lethe8th October, 2003

    I can only address the last part of your question.

    If the majority of your folk call on M or T, set the open house for W or for the following S.

    Good luck

  • 1furcron8th October, 2003

    That is really strange....

    I thought that housing for section 8 was really hard to find, and would think that alot of them would jump on every chance they get.

    Must be different in your area.

  • Bruce9th October, 2003


    I have never tracked it, but my rate of people actually making it to appointments must be WELL below 33%. That is why I stop doing it.

    Here are the basics on how to rent a house:

    1) Big sign in the front yard FOR RENT. The sign has a phone number on it.

    2) Big sign in one of the Front Windows FOR RENT. The sign has a phone number on it.

    3) Print up about 150 flyers. It details everything you can think of about the house. Put it in one of the Front Windows.

    4) On an answering machine, put a recorded message about the house. This basically all the information that is on the flyer. Mention the Open House on Sunday (or Saturday) and that Applications will be given out and whatever the fee is. This should be your business phone, do NOT use your personal phone number.

    5) If someone leaves a message, call them back, but DO NOT set up an appointment. You will just waste your time. Tell them there is an Open House on Sunday.

    6) On Friday Night, put up a dozen or so road signs that direct people to the house. You put them up on Friday Night, so the city will not remove them. If this is not a problem for you, leave them up all week.

    7) The Open house is from 11:00 to 3:00, give or take.

    I very, very rarely advertise in the paper. It is very expensive. If a tenant is driving around the area, they will see my signs and end up at my house.

    i hope this helps!

  • patty9th October, 2003

    Hi Bruce,
    Thanks for your great ideas! So, if someone calls on Monday...your showing isn't until Saturday...do they still come? Or did you lose that possible tenant? If you have any low income rentals, do you use your same strategy?
    Thanks again!

  • jksal9th October, 2003


    I live in your same area, and have the same issue. It is not just section 8 though. I actually have a better show rate for my section 8 tenants than with people who see my ads and flyers.

  • NChotdeals9th October, 2003

    Bruce is right. The people you are looking for are people who are already staying in that neighborhood who drive by. The sign in the yard with information about the house should work. Usually if I run an ad I always tell the person to drive by first and let me know if they are still interested or just put the address in the paper so they will go by on their own. List the property with sect. 8 and/or your local rental agency. I do think that you can lose renters by waiting another week to show the property but dont run by every time someone shows interested. Screen them over the phone and tell them up front that you dont really have time to waste so you need to know if they are serious. Honesty always prevails!

  • patty9th October, 2003

    Sect. 8 does an inspection on your property to see if it meets their "safe" housing checklist. Before you can rent to your tenant, they go over your unit with a fine-tooth comb. Screen your Sect. 8 tenant like all others. Some Sect. 8 tenants are better than regular tenants. They know they could get kicked off the program for excessive damages owed, etc. and will maintain the property ok. However. there are those who don't care.

  • DaveREI9th October, 2003

    section 8 and they get to be picky about it!

    Can you list availability with the housing office that people go to ...to get on section 8 housing in your area?

  • stameyr9th October, 2003

    Try to prescreen the applicant and get sense of urgency before showing. Some of these people are very desperate and in emergency situations. I only show the property if I can show it the same day as the call. Always get their phone number and call to confirm.

    Charlotte, NC has a great Section 8 website that has a property listing section for landlords very similar to the RE section on this website. Other states are also listed. Most of my section 8 applicants come directly from the website. They can search by price, location, whatever. Best part...it's FREE! I can't post urls so try to PM me for the address.

    Good luck...I feel your pain.[ Edited by stameyr on Date 10/09/2003 ]

  • DavidBrowne9th October, 2003

    I send them to look if they want in they can call my cell I'm 10-20 min away. I will never have a "buyer let alone a tenant at my house. I use a po box and a loan service company.

    If someone ever showed up at my house I would kick them out without futher discussion.

  • Lufos9th October, 2003

    Several of my older clients are still involved in Section 8 housing. The problem changes as to area.

    In the Southern part of Los Angeles it is pretty well organized and most tenants arrive with slips from the housing authority. They are pretty standard, some are third generation relief recipients, but there is now a bit of a revolt in the next generation coming up. Still have lots of single mothers, but not as many kids. Mothers Day, the lst and 15th when the checks arrive is not as big a hassle as it used to be. The fathers visit timed to check arrival is no longer a time of grabbing for checks, one McDonald hamburger for the kids and Dad's off with the check. This new generation is a bit more responsible. We no longer have to keep the big sacks of beans and rice to carry some of the tenants thru until next Mothers day. The gangs are still there, and they take their members from the young, but right now Basket ball as a way out is gaining more and more. Its a start. Not as violent, the drugs are not as much. Damned if I know why, nice to see, very few vacancies because its a good ride and nobody wants to miss out.

    Now the North part of the San Fernando Valley in Sylmar and Pacoima, a different story. This is an area heavily impacted by newly arrived South and Central Americans trying to dig there way in and establish themselves in this Great US of A. They are exploited heavily, and double and triple up families combine to afford housing and the local landlords are goughing trying every trick in the book. Raise the cost of washing machine and dryers loads, late fees on rentals. Pay for extras, like hot water etc. etc. But they are hard workers, they have bought the American dream, so they can be worked with. We recommend lots of weekly rentals instead of monthly. Just cannot get it together for a monthly rent. We also suggest and practice the hiring of the tenants in the areas of their expertice. Plumbing, Electrical with supervision, Painting, etc. Getting better.

    Its the kids that make the difference, they get the language and school exposure thats somewhat helpfull. The gangs still are there but its more of a macho thing then heavy drug dealing. Not many section eights cause most don't qualify.

    The proper answer is a layoff of rental activity onto your resident managers which you pick cause they got the languages and the personal skills.

    when I am in charge I put them on a percentage of rents collected, a small "mordita" if it has to be weekly instead of monthly. I allow my managers to install a few machines and I look the other way.

    This turns them into small business men and now they are over the line, they are now on our side. I also encourage BBQ's on weekends to raise a little more money and it also tends to unite the tenants into an identifiable entity.

    I know these are tricks, but they are correct in that they establish new values in our immigrants and we all become friends.

    I can limp into a gang meeting probably get a contact high if I am not careful and I am not an enemy but an old Gringo who likes Tamales and Coronas.

    It works, and when my clients screw up due to lack of empathy I go over and solve it. We have a vacancy factor overall running between 2 and 5%. I enjoy these people and I think they are amused by me.

    No Problemo! Ah yes the new Governor. Da Schwartz.

    Cheers Lucius

  • Lethe10th October, 2003

    I very, very rarely advertise in the paper. It is very expensive. If a tenant is driving around the area, they will see my signs and end up at my house.

    I will greatly concur on this (nice phrase). I spent $120 for a weekend ad for an open house. Though I had a few people drop in I had so many more calls from people driving by because of wanting to live in that neighborhood or realtors showing them houses in the neighborhood, etc. I don't think I will be utilizing the local Post for these activities much more.

  • SavvyYoungster16th October, 2003

    I deal with Section 8 quite a bit and on the whole they tend to not be very reliable. With Section 8 I want to be very picky so as to find the diamond in the rough. A lot of times if I have great potential Section 8 tenet I'll go pick them up at their place (get a good look at how they live) as they mostly don't have cars. If I'm so-so on a prospect I'll have them do a drive-by first, then I'll schedule them to meet me at a near-by restaurant and we go from there. This is good:

    #1. I don't actually waste time waiting at the property. I'm eating lunch.

    #2. Some Section 8 tenets will have a lot of trouble finding the property without you. It's good to meet at an easy to find place first, then follow each other.

    Hope this helps

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