Mystery HOuse

Have you ever seen a house (FORECLOSURE) that couldn't sale or wouldn't sale its been on the market for a while..there are know fix ups involved . I been inside and the only problem is it is a 3/1. The house looks great in and out...its listed from 72,900 now its 69,000. Im about to make an offer for 40,000 comps are around 70,00.WHAT U THINK?


  • myfrogger14th January, 2004

    I think you should try your offer. Typically you have either price or terms. Since you are going on a cheap price, you'll likely have to put in a pretty solid offer with a good deal of earnest money.

    However, you may be dealing with a MODIVATED SELLER in which they will typically give you price AND terms.

    Put in the offer and see what happens. The agents will likely present the offer favorably if they think it is legit as they are sick of dealing with a property that has been listed so long.

  • whowantit14th January, 2004

    So even banks can get Motivated and let a property go for below market value?

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