My Tenants Drunken Sister Breaks Arm

My tenants drunken sister comes over (drunk driving) to my rental where both get into a fight. My tenants sister rages out - slips on the the three steps ( she's drunk). I get a phone call from the drunken sister's "contractor" boyfriend threatening to file suit because I am suppposed to have a rail on my steps. Sounds like this guy is an "opportunist". Any one in California know the laws on steps and rails... is there a minumum of steps before you should install rails? I am not scared because I am tired of hearing of these frivolous lawsuits and finaly I get caught in one and I am going to counter the rotten %$#@ with everything I have to and wasting my time and set the record straight.


  • kfspropertymanagement22nd September, 2004

    best thing to do is contact your lawyer about it and see what he says in the mean time Do what I do refer all legal questions and what not to your lawyer do not speak to them directly. If they call just say you need to call this number <your lawyers> and then say have a nice day. LOL...

  • brainstorm22nd September, 2004

    Thanks..this could start to get expensive even just by calling my lawyer would cost me $45 per half hour. I would just love to forward this bill over to this idiot for even raising such a stink. I think I should! I mean.... this is going to cost me money...on something that this guy should stop and think.."hmn.. my girlfriend is drunk, had a fight with her sister, for being drunk ends up falling on some steps... theres got to be someone to blame. Oh boy...

  • mrmark22nd September, 2004

    Consider, (in the future) a way to eliminate this & some other anoying problems- rent to fire & policemen if possible. I rent to them (at a discount) for a few important reasons.1st, is seems w/in a few weeks after moving in there a lot less of the "bad element" around - no more barking dogs- no noise problems, ect., are gone! 2nd, you always get paid! Money Problem? talk to there commander -bad publicity for the city isn't tolerated. Sometimes, city seems to be not as "rigid" about things once they they know police/fireman are living there. (My response time for a fire call, on site, was under 4minutes). Consider contacting the alderman/consulperson for the neighborhood -inform him & speak to the area police/fire watch commander (if possible)and ask/ let them post notice of rental at a discount for there single/married couple or for their parents- then they will come visit them regularly-if problems in your block- there won't, when selling the RE you'll find it ez/quick to sell, and often at a prem. price- who doesn't want a police/ fireman nearby? It's worked a well 4 me!

  • myfrogger22nd September, 2004

    Your attorney should be able to give you good legal advise without using more than 5-10 minutes of his time. Most likely he will tell you not to worry about things unless it materializes.

    Somtimes insurance companies require you to report this type of thing within a certain period of time. You should consult with your attorney for further guidance.

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