My One Good Account Is Not Being Reported , What To Do?

my wife has a bad credit history ...... she has some paid off collection accounts... but she has about 4 ongioing and she is not making any payments , however she has a macy store credit card , non visa.... and she behaves with this card and uses it and makes min payments , usually keeps a 0 balace. but its not being reported... what do i do to get htis reported and the account is about 4 yrs old


  • dnvrkid2nd December, 2004

    Have you checked all three CRA's to make sure that it isn't being reported?

    If she has on-going, outstanding, non-paying collections against her, having this one good line will have very little inpact on her score if any.

    You need to dispute the heck out of the paid collections and work out agreements with the other. Call and offer $0.50 on the $1 and see what they say.

    Get those corrected, THEN get the good reporting line on there. Be forewarned that some creditors determine your rate and whether to keep your account open on how you are doing with your other creditors.

    First signs of trouble with other credits and they raise your rates or cut your limit anticipating trouble is heading their way also.

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