My Name Is Matt & I Am New. Is Real Estate A Good Idea For Me Right Now?
I am going to be graduating College on December 11, 2004 with a Business Management degree.
I am getting married in June '05.
I bought Russ Whitney's "Millionaire Real Estate Mentor" book.
I have never invested or done any kind of real estate. It scares me to think about trying to buy properties, rehab them, and then them not ever selling.
Is it easy for houses to just never sell? I know it has to do with advertising of it.
How much $ would you say I should have in the bank to be safe to buy a property that may fail?
Dude, man, how can we know what's good for you? Is it hard work? Yes. Is it a chancy thing? Yes. Is it guaranteed? No. Can you make a LOT of money doing it? YES! We can't know what's good for you, there's just no way to know.
What I can say, is that you're young, so if things DO go horribly wrong, you've got much time to fix it/recover from it...
Take your time and do it.
Join a real Estate club in your area for support.
Good Luck
You need to bring your wife to be into the business as well...........if it were not for Ms. NC_Yank support...... my business would very difficult to run. (she looking over my
In regards to your question about RE.........its like alot of things in get out how much you put in.
There are plenty of ways to achieve your goals.......its just a matter of what works best for you.
Check out the other forums and read and learn as much as you can about REI.
From your post I would reccomend talking with some people, call every aspect of people you can think of in the area you want to invest in and ask them your questions. Realtors, bankers, brokers, property mgmt firms, we buy houses ads, etc.