My Initial Investment

Hello all,

I have a question that I'm hoping to get various opinions regarding the purchase of any or all products which claim to be the know all in terms of being "THE" best "How To". I just purchased John Locke's Subject To Manual because in my virgin opinion he seems to have the most credible knowledge of this type of investing. All Due Respect To You Mr. Locke. However, with so many different products that we can purchase how is the best way to make the best decision as to what product is the best buy. I think we all will agree that some sort of initial investment needs to be made in order to properly get started. But to the skeptic beginner like most of us are, we need to feel more secure when we turn over that bank or credit card number to buy that piece of information which promises to lead us to the promise land as well as which products are the best to invest in and when should we as beginners decide that a $1400, $1600 or even the $1800 investment is really going to show a return or should we even make such an investment in the thousand dollar courses. I guess I'm basically tired of all the "My way is the best way schemes". You know the ones I am speaking of. You go to the open house thinking you'll walk away with all the proper techniques only to find out that you have to purchase the $700 set of cd's to get the rest of the information in order to get started. Tell the truth, your next thought is what? That's right. I'VE BEEN SUCKERED AGAIN! On top of that the Bear claws are stale and the coffee is cold and de-cafe. Some one please help me begin my WIN/WIN process NOW!!!


cool grin


  • klgl2210th December, 2003

    There is a lot of information out there and trying to find the right vehicle can be difficult. I would suggest that you do your research before you start giving out thousands of dollars. Go to the public library where you can do some of your research for free. Book stores also have numerous books you can thumb through. Sit at a table, get a cup of java and read as long as you like. Buy the books that interest you. You will also learn a lot by just reading the posts and articles on this site. In my humble opinion this is the best way to get started without breaking the bank. Good Luck!!

  • ghegamin10th December, 2003

    Hello Kecia,

    Thanks for your response. Out of natural curiosity, what type of strategies is your company using for investing. I read some of your other posts and saw that you guys have only used creative strategies. Is there any one particular strategy that you like move than any other and what has been your overall experience in regard to length of time from Initial purchase to the realization of money in hand from profit? All help is very much appreciated.

  • klgl2210th December, 2003

    I like options and seller financing but will use any stategy that the seller will go for and we will make a profit. We have in the past bought, repaired and rented now we are just starting to sell our properties.

  • Tedjr10th December, 2003

    Even some old stuff may help. I just bought Wade Cooks complete deals for $5 at a yard sale Retail at 700 ten years ago. I may find something valuable in it. I have bought numerous books like Robert Allen etc for a buck. It has to be hard just starting. If you have questions this forum is great.


    Hope this helps some

    Ted Jr

  • ghegamin10th December, 2003

    Hello Ted,

    Not hard at all. I am just a firm believer in researching the research first. I am an entreupenur at heart and have failed miserably once or twice so now I do twice as much homework first. Your right though, this forum has been absolutely great.

  • tnachieve10th December, 2003

    Hi. I don't know if this would help you, but, I know what you are saying... I was in the same boat. So, what I had done was read many many many of these forums and get ideas. I also bought many CD's. From all this info, I put a manual together to tell me what would be best way to go with whatever I am getting into. For example, if there is a home for sale, I have different options, depending on the value, comps, owner $, etc. I gather the facts and then find which way I need to go...short sale? rehab? whatever way will make me more $ and can help the owner. Hope that helps in little way.

  • nebulousd10th December, 2003

    All I can say is get references. I took Cash's online class and boy was I nervous and afraid that I wasn't going to learn anything. But after getting the materials and going through the motions, I was more at ease.

    You don't know, I had to hear a lot of praise about Ron LeGrand before I bought his stuff as well.

    The true answer is you don't know and your taking a risk. Just like choosing a dentist, a doctor, where to take your car to get serviced, what hotel to stay's all the same....only in this case, the end product is different, it's tied to you making money.

    People are emotional about money and you have a right to be. You have many options and like you said before, all you can do is research the research.

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