My First Short Sale ( Hopefully )

A realtor friend of mine is basically giving me this deal. I just have to remember her at settlement. Tell me what you goes....
33k balance on default mortgage, i'm offering the bank 40 cents on the dollar(realtor said that shouldn't be a problem)
Property needs 25k in work with an ARV of 70k ( comps to prove it )
I don't have all the details yet, but when I go to see her on Thursday I have the opporunity to get the contract to assign.
What should I look for??
Thanks in advance


  • bgrossnickle10th February, 2004

    I am a little confused. Are you going to short sell this yourself or are you thinking that someone will pay an assignment fee for a Purchase and Sales contract when the only exit strategy is a Short Sell? I do not think that they will. A short sell is impossible without the assistence of the home owner. Also, Short sells are not a sure thing and assuming that it will be no problem to get the bank to take 40 cents on the dollar is a wrong assumption.

    Take the contract, work the short sell yourself and get some experience. But it is work and you will need to work with the owners. I just started doing them and I am enjoying the learning experience. And I even hope to make a couple of bucks.


  • chris122011th February, 2004

    I guess I'm being pretty vaugue, so I apologize. I'm new to this. (obviously)
    I am working with the owner, I left a message with her yesterday, she called me back, and I have a telphone appointment with her at 12:00 today... so I'll be able to give you more info after that.

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