My First Deal - Need Help

I have a problem with a deal I'm working on. I signed a contract with a guy who happens to be the nephew of the original owner. Original owner passed in early 80's and apparently there was no probate proceeding or at least the nephew doesn't know of it.

He was living in the property for years and then it burnt down and he is now motivated to sell. He has also kept up with the taxes and other bills related to property. Recently, he negotiated with the tax office to reduce the taxes owed since he was planning to renovate it. And they did. The tax bill actually says Original Owner's name,
C/o The Nephew. Title company gets back to me on the deal which I'm wholesaling and says that they need two things: A death certificate and probate. He has the death certificate but nothing from probate.

What is the next step? Seller is getting frustrated, and my buyer has the jitters. Any help greatly appreciated.


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