My Business Card.

Could I get everones opinions on this business card? I haven't put in the text yet but just seeing what you think.


  • MrMike14th December, 2003

    What response are you looking for from the people you give this card to?

  • myfrogger14th December, 2003

    Nice style Chase! I do like it. I may consider moving your name to the bottom right (next to your shoulder) and then put your company name right under it in the same font/color.

    On the back then put all the rest of your info (phone, email, website, address,etc)

    A quick searh for 'color business cards' on google will help you find some very, very affordable prices. You may also be able to get a deal through your realty company.

  • Optimum14th December, 2003

    Are you an agent or an investor?
    Nice background. Gives a "whole city, whole area" feel to it.
    If your looking for suggestions I would suggest posting the text as well.
    Happy Investing!

  • joel14th December, 2003

    Godzeeera!! Godzeeera!! Ahhhhhhhhhh![ Edited by joel on Date 12/14/2003 ]

  • Optimum14th December, 2003


  • Lufos14th December, 2003

    Now thats really a nice card and you should do well. Just a few small non graphic corrections.

    Grow a Mustache, you are much to young looking to touch money.

    Get the company name out there and use the back of the cards for tele numbers e.mail numbers, Mobile Phone etc.

    So go forth and to the fray. Lucius

  • nebulousd14th December, 2003

    It's cute.

    But what the HELL do you do.

    From an advertising perspective, I hate it. I don't care what you look like and what pretty pictures you can put in the background....What I want to know is how can you help me.

    your name
    website if you have one
    and the backside blank.

    I want to know how you can help me. Some people use the back of their card and write a little letter to whom ever reads it, but if i see I BUY HOUSES big and bold, I now know what you can do and how you can help me.

  • Ruman14th December, 2003

    Ah sorry folks been to wrapped up in my designs today forgot to even explain what it was for. I'm actually starting up as a realtor. These cards are actually not business cards... i was going to use them as magnet cards, so I can't really put anything on the back.. The reason I liked the "pretty pictures" is because they will keep catching your eye when they're stuck on your fridge. The picture is also a picture of the skyline of Des Moines(the city I'm a realtor in).

    The day I can grow a nice looking mustache, I surely will.

    Chase Gochnauer
    First Realty
    Des Moines, Iowa
    Mobile: (515) 971-2083

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