Must Wholesale A Deal ASAP Need HELP!

I have done several rehab's in the past but never wholesaled a deal or assigned a contract before. I hear you can make several thousand$$ by using these techniques. My goal is to do one within 30 days. Am I being unreasonable? I will not stop untill the money is in my hands. I am just concerned that our local market is a little too hot. We have very little inventory and the prices are way high. Properties are appreciating at a rate of approx. 15% a year. Competition is fierce. Most are sold before they even get listed. Any advice would be most appreciated! Thank you in advance. WE ALL WIN


  • ray_higdon24th December, 2004

    Is it possible? Yes. I can safely say that people are doing it in every market. Get out there and advertise, knock on doors, send postcards, call newspaper ads, call for rent signs, mail to landlords who just evicted someone, talk to all your friends and employees and let them know what you do, etc, etc, etc.

    Discipline, not determination, is the key to success (I borrowed that from Tom Hopkins)

  • WeAllWin24th December, 2004

    Thanks for the advice. I will do my best and keep you posted with my progress. Have you had much success with these techniques?

  • kenmax24th December, 2004

    if the price is right they will other words don't price yourself out of the markert and you will do

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